"Passion to Action bring Transformation and Profit"
"Equipping and Empowering people to develop their God-Given potential while fulfilling their destiny."
Step 1 - Dream New Beginnings"Dare2Dream New Beginnings" is a workshop of 4 sessions. Whether you need to make a career change, grieve the loss a loved one, going through separation/divorce, facing an unplanned pregnancy, or you are going through some challenges that are blocking your dreams. This workshop is for you. Whatever your situation, in this workshop you will: * Come to a place of healing and changing your story; * Rediscover or reaffirm your DNA; (who is it that God created you to be) * Write your Vision & Mission Statement; * Take a risk - "Dare2Dream New Beginnings" |
Step 2 - Dream to your DestinyNow that you can start dreaming again, let see what's in you and what you were design for. Everyone is on this earth for a divine purpose and destiny. This workshop of 5 sessions will: * Help you refine your dream; * Define if it is really your dream; * Show you to own your dream; * Bring clarity to reality; * Count the cost to the dream - emotionally, financially... * How determine are you? * Would you find satisfaction and * Is your dream beneficial to others? |
Step 3 - Roadmap into